xmovies8 Joker Google Drive Mp4

user rating: 9,4 of 10 Stars Todd Phillips duration: 122 Min 2019 creators: Jerry Robinson

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Joker drawing. Jokerbros. Jokers big brother 2020. It appears that Joker is a polarizing film, with those disliking it stating it bears no resemblance to its source material, and those who welcome it viewing it as a commentary on society at large. I believe that Joker's widespread success may be a testament to the current widespread decay, which is becoming more and more evident.
The film portrays Arthur Fleck, beginning as he roams the squalid city in the midst of martial law, as those tasked with collecting garbage are on strike. The state of the city is symbolic of the state in our heads. We see that everyone in the film is solipsistic, working only to the degree that is commensurate with their salary, no more and no less. Instead of banding together as a society to clean the city, they continue to justify their narcissism and ask for others to clean the city (if others won't do their job, why should I. br> Arthur's job is to make people laugh and to entertain. This is symbolic of the clown world we live in, where attention is becoming a commodity. In order to achieve a certain threshold of success, you need to be able to entertain, thus being able to provide this commodity. At work, we entertain in order to get ahead. At home, we give ourselves an IV of narcissistic supply in the form of social media, where we receive the attention.
The sign that Arthur carries with him has a subtext, which implies that society, at large, must be eradicated. The squalid nature of the city, a function of the inhabitants within it, are the source of this darkness. Arthur's attempts at bringing attention to himself represents the pathological narcissism that permeates the world today. "I hope my death has more meaning than my life, implying that he is unable to get the attention he believes he desires while he's alive, so perhaps people will finally notice him when he dies. His fantasies about being applauded and welcomed further reinforce this idea. This narcissism breeds from a lack of attention in childhood, which is unsurprising given Arthur's dysfunctional upbringing. The reason Arthur said he felt more comfortable in a mental asylum is because the environment confers the maternal warmth that he lacks. There, he has no need to associate with anyone, compromise, or come to any agreements, he receives maternal warmth from the social workers, and is given sustenance.
The stairs throughout the film are symbolic of the difficulty to elevate one's social and spiritual status. It is always harder to climb up (strive towards virtue) than it is to come down (succumb to dissolution. Arthur is consistently shown as having a hard time climbing the stairs; yet when he becomes Joker, he climbs down effortlessly, symbolizing the ease of succumbing to temptation-the path of least resistance.
Living with his mother provides Arthur with comfort and safety. The mother figure represents the individual. The need to leave one's mother represents the need to elevate ones biological and emotional needs in favor of the self. In other words, leaving the comforts of home forces one to grow, something that Arthur does not wish to do. With that, the audience sees that taking care of his mother symbolizes the importance that society places on the material, disregarding spiritual growth (moving out. The need to take care of his mother is symbolic of that need to nurture consumerism. When his mother tells Arthur that he should smile more, this reinforces this idea, because those who are able to entertain are able to achieve success, and therefore obtain material prosperity.
Murray Franklin is Arthur's father-figure. Arthur's fantasies have him receiving attention from the audience, and warmth and acceptance from Franklin. This represents the non-existent father presence that many children experience today, as they are products of divorced or dysfunctional families. When Randal gives Arthur a gun so he can defend himself, he calls him "my little boy." This accentuates Arthur's infantile nature, and represents manhood. It's noticeable how Arthur does not go out and purchase a gun (dormant or non-existent masculinity) but receives it from someone else. This represents how men in society are lacking the father role in their lives, instead receiving it from morally questionable outside influence (media. As Arthur receives the gun, a symbol of masculinity, from someone who wasn't his father (didn't teach Arthur how to be a man) he is unable to harness his masculinity for good, and instead uses it for destruction.
Once again, the audience sees Arthur laboriously climb up the stairs. At home, Arthur begins playing with his gun, and suddenly feels an awakened sense of strength in the form of the warrior and lover. He is confidant he can strike a conversation with his neighbor, and even seduce her so that she will love him. It is noticeable how Sophia is single. Arthur feels he will be able to relate to her because he has been caring for his mother, who is also single. After Arthur is fired, he is seen on a train. The train is symbolic of a lack of agency, as it has a predetermined path. This tells us that Arthur's transformation into Joker is not his fault, occurring without his influence. He has not chosen the path of Joker, it has been decided for him. Furthermore, the train is shown underground, symbolizing the dark pit of his soul. This is reinforced by killing the men who taunted him on the train. As Arthur dances in front of the mirror, we see he is no longer Arthur, but is now Joker. Each time Arthur contorts his body is also the transitional point from Arthur to Joker. He feels an awakened masculinity, fantasizing about having sex with his neighbor. After he retrieves his things from work, we see the ease in which he descends down the stairs, symbolizing his chosen path towards moral depravity.
As Arthur finds out about Wayne, he goes to visit him. As he tells him how he really feels, what the audience is seeing is the confession of a soul, the product of contemporary civilization. Wayne represents this society, and instead of comforting Arthur, punches him in the face. This symbolizes society's disregard towards those like Arthur, believing that it is their weakness and ineptitude that made them who they are. They extol the virtues of agency and dismiss the element of luck that is highly correlated with their success. The audience then sees that Wayne, the symbol of Capitalism, and Penny, the symbol of consumerism, are the two forces that breed those like Joker, who exist without an identity and purpose. When Arthur returns home, he goes inside his refrigerator. This symbolizes that Arthur is now dead, and in his wake, is Joker.
Joker takes on his newfound identity of moral corruption, and chaos ensues outside, indicating that a world without a virtuous codex of beliefs, is a world destined to disarray. He is the post non-classical hero, who exists for his subjective self-expression, disregarding rules and causing chaos.
The large acclaim the film received is a testament to the fact that many in society see themselves as Joker, disenfranchised and without a purpose. Joker is a symptom of the disease.

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